Life Coaching

Everything They Told You is Wrong

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You Can Jump Through the Hoops without Believing they Will Make or Break You

Sister somebody once told me in the third grade, “Nicole, your handwriting is terrible.  You will never get anywhere with that handwriting.” I remember trying to pay attention so I could master each task with perfection until I realized it probably wasn’t going to happen.

While at the time I was devastated by the news that my handwriting stunk, now I think, Is this true?  Does my handwriting have to be good?  I mean, do we have to be good at every subject?

Maybe not.  In fact, what I have found in life is that working together with a team of different talents is good enough. It turns out that the things I don’t like to do or am not good at, other people like to do and are good at. If we work together, the job gets done. Why didn’t anyone tell me this before?

Nicole C Weiss LCSW

Nicole WeissEverything They Told You is Wrong
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Don’t think positively!

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One of the most common ways a client will sabotage their own progress is through negative thinking. You know negative thinking…  It’s when you try to embark upon something and a little voice in your head pops up and says, No!  You can’t.  You never could.  Don’t you remember the time you totally screwed that up?  

My clients who struggle with starting their own businesses say things like:  Maybe this isn’t for me.  Maybe I am better off having someone else call the shots.  Maybe I should go back to what I was doing.  Maybe I am not the type who can do this.

Nicole C Weiss LCSW

Nicole WeissDon’t think positively!
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