Nicole Weiss

Togetherness and Connection

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So this is what we did. It is what we do. We spent all day making the massa sovada, the bread of my ancestors.  We baked it the way my dad’s mom had, which she had learned from her mom, and her mom had likely learned from hers. The recipe has changed a little, but with so few ingredients, it remains pretty similar. We do this to connect to my grandma. By connecting to her we connect with each other (which was her biggest passion anyway).

Nicole C Weiss LCSW

Nicole WeissTogetherness and Connection
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Helplessness – Then the Call to Action


How do you feel when someone comes to you with pain…emotional or otherwise? What happens in your body? What do you want to do? What do you want to say? 

Now picture when you are in pain…emotional or otherwise, what is that you want? What is it that you most want people to say or do?

Nicole C Weiss LCSW

Nicole WeissHelplessness – Then the Call to Action
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We Can Walk Through It

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This morning when I woke up the sun hit my face in a way that made me feel happy, glad to be alive. It’s not because I slept well. I woke up halfway through the night thinking for too long before I fell back asleep. And today is full and with no breaks. But still I feel good.

Nicole C Weiss LCSW

Nicole WeissWe Can Walk Through It
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Are You Really Caring Less?

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My very favorite part of the growth process is when change becomes so real and so natural that it becomes like a fire in your belly that can’t be contained. Let’s call it a good fire. I felt this way after my divorce from my first husband. Leaving without knowing if I would even marry again (and not really caring either way on that one), not knowing how or if I would have children (something I still wanted) and saying to the world…whatever comes next I don’t care because anything is better than this. I felt as if I stopped caring about what others thought (as much). And started caring MORE about what was important to me. What was once a small flame of self love, respect and deep knowing grew big and bright.  

Nicole C Weiss LCSW

Nicole WeissAre You Really Caring Less?
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Do You Get Addicted to Your Bad Patterns?

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While your initial instinct may be to say, “no”, take a moment to really think about it.

A really sweet male client came into my office a few months ago.  For years he had been in bad relationships with women who didn’t treat him well. He was delighted to tell me that he had finally found a good match!  But he had booked an appointment with me because he found he was picking fights with her.  He was confused by his own behavior wondering why he was doing something that he ultimately felt was blocking his own happiness.

Nicole C Weiss LCSW

Nicole WeissDo You Get Addicted to Your Bad Patterns?
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The Best Change Begins with Mistakes

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While I find this statement really annoying, looking back I can precisely recall the times where I have 

  1. Radically blown it
    And guess what?
  2. I learned. A TON.

This week has been a (freaking) week of lessons.. I wish lessons were best learned through those bursts of ideas that you get while driving, looking at a sunset or after a really great glass of cabernet. But NO. Most of the time they come from silly mistakes.

Nicole C Weiss LCSW

Nicole WeissThe Best Change Begins with Mistakes
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Where Do You Plug In?

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Over the past 15 years my views on what it means to “have issues” have changed. Sure there are people who have serious mental illnesses – and that absolutely cannot be minimized. It’s important to act quickly and thoroughly when someone has acute health issues. Yet I have come to realize that most of us are just dealing with the human condition.

Nicole C Weiss LCSW

Nicole WeissWhere Do You Plug In?
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